Recently, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has issued revised guidelines on the exposure of the human body to low frequency electric and magnetic fields. While the rationale for the definition of the basic restrictions has remained the same — nerve stimulation and induction of phosphenes — the induced electric field averaged over a volume of 2×2×2mm³ has been defined as a new metric for the basic restrictions. Moreover, the new guidelines provide recommendations to minimize the impact of numerical artifacts (stair-casing errors) when assessing the exposure using anatomical computer models of the human body.
The objective of this study is to show whether the electric fields induced in adults and children remain below the basic restrictions for exposure at the reference levels. The exposure was evaluated using the scalar potential finite element method implemented in SEMCAD X to calculate the induced fields in six child and two adult models of the Virtual Population exposed to a homogeneous magnetic field at three different polarizations covering a frequency range from 1Hz to 100kHz.
The scientific and technical impact of the study can be summarized as: