


Novel Methodology to Characterize Electromagnetic Exposure of the Brain

Pedro Crespo-Valero, Maria Christopoulou, Marcel Zefferer, Andreas Christ, Peter Achermann, Konstantina S. Nikita, and Niels Kuster, in Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 56, Number 2, pp. 383–396, January 2011, online December 22, 2010





Development and Validation of a Magneto-hydrodynamic Solver for Blood Flow Analysis

Wolfgang Kainz, Joshua W. Guag, Stefan Benkler, Dominik Szczerba, Esra Neufeld, Victor Krauthamer, Joel Myklebust, Howard I. Bassen, Isaac A Chang, Nicolas Chavannes, Jung Hwan Kim, Malisa Sarntinoranont, and Niels Kuster, in Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 55, Issue 23, pp. 7253–7261, December 2010, online November 16





Evaluation of Measurement Techniques to Show Compliance With RF Safety Limits in Heterogeneous Field Distributions

Sven Kühn and Niels Kuster, in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp. 820–828, November 2010, online November 15

Analysis of Proteome Response to the Mobile Phone Radiation in Two Types of Human Primary Endothelial Cells

Analysis of Proteome Response to the Mobile Phone Radiation in Two Types of Human Primary Endothelial Cells

Reetta Nylund, Niels Kuster, and Dariusz Leszczynski, in Proteome Science, Volume 8, Article 52, online 18 October 2010

Use of mobile phones has widely increased over the past decade. However, in spite of the extensive research, the question of potential health effects of the mobile phone radiation remains unanswered. We have earlier proposed, and applied, proteomics as a tool to study biological effects of the mobile phone radiation, using as a model human endothelial cell line EA. hy926. Exposure of EA. hy926 cells to 900 MHz GSM radiation has caused statistically significant changes in expression of numerous proteins. However, exposure of EA. hy926 cells to 1800 MHz GSM signal had only very small effect on cell proteome, as compared with 900 MHz GSM exposure. In the present study, using as model human primary endothelial cells, we have examined whether exposure to 1800 MHz GSM mobile phone radiation can affect cell proteome. Results: Primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells and primary human brain microvascular endothelial cells were exposed for 1 hour to 1800 MHz GSM mobile phone radiation at an average specific absorption rate of 2.0 W/kg. The cells were harvested immediately after the exposure and protein expression patterns of the sham-exposed and radiation-exposed cells were examined using two dimensional difference gel electrophoresis-based proteomics (2DE-DIGE). There were observed numerous differences between the proteomes of human umbilical vein endothelial cells and human brain microvascular endothelial cells (both sham-exposed). These differences are most likely representing physiological differences between endothelia in different vascular beds. However, the exposure of both types of primary endothelial cells to mobile phone radiation did not cause any statistically significant changes in protein expression. Conclusions: Exposure of primary human endothelial cells to the mobile phone radiation, 1800 MHz GSM signal for 1 hour at an average specific absorption rate of 2.0 W/kg, does not affect protein expression, when the proteomes were examined immediately after the end of the exposure and when the false discovery rate correction was applied to analysis. This observation agrees with our earlier study showing that the 1800 MHz GSM radiation exposure had only very limited effect on the proteome of human endothelial cell line EA. hy926, as compared with the effect of 900 MHz GSM radiation.





Sleep After Mobile Phone Exposure in Subjects With Mobile Phone-Related Symptoms

Arne Lowden, Torbjörn Akerstedt, Michael Ingre, Clairy Wiholm, Lena Hillert, Niels Kuster, Jens P. Nilsson, and Bengt Arnetz, in Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 32, Issue 1, pp. 4–14, online September 20, 2010





The Influence of the Reflective Environment on the Absorption of a Human Male Exposed to Representative Base Station Antennas from 300 MHz to 5 GHz

Günter Vermeeren, Marie-Christine Gosselin, Sven Kühn, Valpré Kellerman, Abdelhamid Hadjem, Azeddine Gati, Wout Joseph, Joe Wiart, Frans Meyer, Niels Kuster, and Luc Martens, in Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 55, Issue 18, pp. 5541–5555, September 2010, online August 31





An International Interlaboratory Comparison of Mobile Phone SAR Calculation With CAD-Based Models

Martin Siegbahn, Giorgi Bit-Babik, Jafar Keshvari, Andreas Christ, Benoît Derat, Vikass Monebhurrun, Christopher Penney, Martin Vogel, and Tilmann Wittig, in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp. 804–811, November 2010, online August 23, 2010





Impact of Pinna Compression on the RF Absorption in the Heads of Adult and Juvenile Cell Phone Users

Andreas Christ, Marie-Christine Gosselin, Sven Kühn, and Niels Kuster, in Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 31, Issue 5, pp. 406–412, July 2010, online March 30





Measured Radiofrequency Exposure During Various Mobile-Phone Use Scenarios

Michael A. Kelsh, Mona Shum, Asher R. Sheppard, Mark McNeely, Niels Kuster, Edmund Lau, Ryan Weidling, Tiffani Fordyce, Sven Kühn, and Christof Sulser, in Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, Volume 21, Issue 4, pp. 343–354, July/August 2011, advance online publication June 16, 2010

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